23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems
Lille, France, 4-6th November 2015
RTNS is a friendly conference with a great sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration.
The purpose of the conference is to share ideas, experiences and informations among academic researchers, developers and service providers in the field of real-time systems and networks.
RTNS 2015 will be in Lille, France.
RTNS 2015 is the 23rd edition of the conference formerly known as RTS (Real-Time Systems, Paris). The first 12 editions of RTS were french-speaking events held in Paris in conjunction with the RTS Embedded System exhibition. Since its 13th edition, the conference language of RTNS has been english.
The proceedings will be published by the ACM in the International Conference Proceedings Series and indexed by the ACM digital library.
- December 8th: Best papers,
presentation have been awarded. Congratulations to the
Best paper and best student paper: Scheduling with preemption delays: anomalies and issues by Guillaume Phavorin, Pascal Richard, Joël Goossens, Thomas Chapeaux and Claire Maiza.
Best presentation: Non-Work-Conserving Scheduling of Non-Preemptive Hard Real-Time Tasks Based on Fixed Priorities by Mitra Nasri and Gerhard Fohler.
Best junior paper: Scheduling of parallel applications on many-core architectures with caches: bridging the gap between WCET analysis and schedulability analysis by Viet Anh Nguyen, Isabelle Puaut and Damien Hardy.
Life achievement award: Yvon Trinquet (Nantes). - December 8th: The proceedings are now available online.
- December 8th: The RTNS'2016 site is open.
- December 8th: The keynote slides are available.
- October 22th: The Conference Guide is now available.
- October 4th: The preliminary program is available.
- July 19th: Additional submission deadline details have been added.
- July 10th: Registration is now open.
- June 24th: Added keynote talk, accomodation information, and registration fees.
- January 21th: CFP and submission link are available.
- November 26th: Site is open
Conference Program
Wednesday 4th November | |
8:00 | Registration |
9:00 | Opening Remarks |
9:30 - 10:30 | Keynote (Chair: Liliana Cucu-Grosjean) |
Network-on-Chip Platforms for Real-Time Mixed-Criticality Application | |
Leandro Soares Indrusiak | |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:15 | Session 1 - Multiprocessors I (Chair: Joel Goossens) |
A Contention-Sensitive Fine-Grained Locking Protocol for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems | |
Catherine Jarrett, Bryan Ward and James Anderson. | |
Multiprocessor Fixed Priority Scheduling with Limited Preemptions | |
Abhilash Thekkilakattil, Robert I. Davis, Radu Dobrin, Sasikumar Punnekkat and Marko Bertogna. | |
Iterative Robust Multiprocessor Scheduling | |
Shreya Adyanthaya, Marc Geilen, Twan Basten, Jeroen Voeten and Ramon Schiffelers. | |
12:15 - 13:45 | Lunch |
13:45 - 15:25 | Session 2 - Probabilistic Analysis (Chair: Vincent Nelis) |
A Framework For The Evaluation Of Measurement-based Timing Analyses | |
Benjamin Lesage, David Griffin, Frank Soboczenski, Iain Bate and Robert I. Davis. | |
Joint Management of Processing and Cooling Power Based on Inaccurate Thermal Information in a Stochastic Real-Time System | |
Mehdi Ghasemi, Morteza Mohaqeqi and Mehdi Kargahi. | |
Study of the Reliability of Statistical Timing Analysis for Real-Time Systems | |
Dorin Maxim, Frank Soboczenski, Iain Bate and Eduardo Tovar. | |
Modelling Fault Dependencies when Execution Time Budgets are Exceeded | |
David Griffin, Benjamin Lesage, Iain Bate, Frank Soboczenski and Robert I. | |
15:25 - 15:55 | Coffee break |
15:55 - 17:10 | Session 3 - Multi-Stage Scheduling (Chair: Pascal Richard) |
Analysis for Supporting Real-Time Computer Vision Workloads using OpenVX on Multicore + GPU Platforms | |
Kecheng Yang, Glenn Elliott and James Anderson. | |
Memory-Processor Co-Scheduling in Fixed Priority Systems | |
Alessandra Melani, Marko Bertogna, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela and Giorgio Buttazzo. | |
Resource Reservation for Real-Time Self-Suspending Tasks: Theory and Practice | |
Alessandro Biondi, Alessio Balsini and Mauro Marinoni. | |
17:15 - 18:15 | Junior Slides |
18:20 | Cocktail and posters |
Thursday 5th November | |
9:00 - 10:40 | Session 4 - Outstanding Papers (Chair: Nathan Fisher) |
Scheduling with preemption delays: anomalies and issues | |
Guillaume Phavorin, Pascal Richard, Joël Goossens, Thomas Chapeaux and Claire Maiza. | |
Efficient Context Switching for the Stack Cache: Implementation and Analysis | |
Sahar Abbaspour, Florian Brandner, Amine Naji and Mathieu Jan. | |
A Generic and Compositional Framework for Multicore Response Time Analysis | |
Sebastian Altmeyer, Robert I. Davis, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Claire Maiza, Vincent Nelis and Jan Reineke. | |
How realistic is the mixed-criticality real-time system model? | |
Alexandre Esper, Geoffrey Nelissen, Vincent Nélis and Eduardo Tovar. | |
10:40 - 11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:15 | Session 5 - On-chip Networks (Chair: Jan Mathieu) |
Flexible TDM-Based Resource Management in On-Chip Networks | |
Adam Kostrzewa, Selma Saidi, Leonardo Ecco and Rolf Ernst. | |
Hard Real-time Guarantee of Automotive Applications during Mode Changes | |
Piotr Dziurzanski, Amit Singh, Leandro Indrusiak and Björn Saballus. | |
Improved Priority Assignment for Real-Time Communications in On-Chip Networks | |
Meng Liu, Matthias Becker, Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte. | |
12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 - 14:50 | Session 6 - WCET (Chair: Isabelle Puaut) |
WCET Analysis in Shared Resources Real-Time Systems with TDMA Buses | |
Hamza Rihani, Matthieu Moy, Claire Maiza and Sebastian Altmeyer. | |
WCET Analysis for Multi-Core Processors with Shared Buses and Event-Driven Bus Arbitration | |
Michael Jacobs, Sebastian Hahn and Sebastian Hack. | |
15:15 | Social Event |
20:00 | Banquet (RTNS'2015 AWARDS) |
Friday 6th November | |
9:00 - 10:15 | Session 7 - Multiprocessors II (Chair: Robert I. Davis) |
Response Time Analysis for G-EDF and G-DM Scheduling of Sporadic DAG-Tasks with Arbitrary Deadline | |
Andrea Parri, Alessandro Biondi and Mauro Marinoni. | |
Response Time Bounds for Sporadic Arbitrary-Deadline Tasks under Global Fixed-Priority Scheduling on Multiprocessors | |
Wen-Hung Kevin Huang and Jian-Jia Chen. | |
An Exact Schedulability Test for Global FP Using State Space Pruning | |
Artem Burmyakov, Enrico Bini and Eduardo Tovar. | |
10:15 - 10:45 | Coffee Break |
10:45 - 12:25 | Session 8 - Mixed Criticality (Chair: Laurent George) |
Mixed Criticality Systems with Weakly-Hard Constraints | |
Oliver Gettings, Sophie Quinton and Robert I. Davis. | |
The concurrent consideration of uncertainty in WCETs and processor speeds in mixed criticality systems | |
Zhishan Guo and Sanjoy Baruah. | |
Semi-partitioned Model for Dual-core Mixed Criticality System | |
Hao Xu and Alan Burns. | |
Generalized Mixed-Criticality Scheduling based on RUN | |
Romain Gratia, Thomas Robert and Laurent Pautet. | |
12:25 - 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 - 15:15 | Session 9 - Networks (Chair: Jean-Luc Sharbarg) |
On Priority Assignment for Controller Area Network when some Message Identifiers are Fixed | |
Robert I. Davis, Alan Burns, Victor Pollex and Frank Slomka. | |
Time-Division Multiplexing vs Network Calculus: A Comparison | |
Wolfgang Puffitsch, Rasmus Bo Sørensen and Martin Schoeberl. | |
A Reliability-Aware Medium Access Control for Unidirectional Time-Constrained WSNs | |
Philip Parsch and Alejandro Masrur. | |
15:15 - 15:35 | Coffee Break |
15:35 - 16:25 | Session 10 - Non-Preemptivity and Control (Chair: Sebastien Faucou) |
Non-Work-Conserving Scheduling of Non-Preemptive Hard Real-Time Tasks Based on Fixed Priorities | |
Mitra Nasri and Gerhard Fohler. | |
Worst-Case Performance Validation of Safety-Critical Control Systems with Dropped Samples | |
Tobias Bund and Frank Slomka. | |
16:30 | Goodbye speech, BEST PRESENTATION AWARD ... and see you at RTNS'2016 |
Conference aims and topics
PDF version of the Call for PapersText version of the Call for Papers
RTNS is a friendly conference with a great sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration. The purpose of RTNS is to share new ideas, experiences and information among academic researchers, developers and service providers in the field of real-time systems and networks. Original unpublished papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:
- Real-time system design and analysis: task and message scheduling, modelling, verification, evaluation, model-driven development, worst-case execution time estimation, distributed systems, fault tolerance, quality of service, security;
- Infrastructure and hardware for real-time systems: wired and wireless communication networks, fieldbuses, networked control systems, control/computing co-design, sensor networks, power-aware techniques;
- Infrastructure and hardware for real-time systems: wired and wireless communication networks, fieldbuses, networked control systems, control/computing co-design, sensor networks, power-aware techniques;
- Software technologies for real-time systems: compilers, programming languages, middleware and component-based technologies, operating systems, databases;
- Applications: automotive, avionics, space, railways, telecommunications, process control, multimedia.
- A selection of the best papers will be identified as outstanding papers; the authors of these papers are invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the journal Real-Time Systems.
- Prizes will be awarded for best paper, best student paper, and best presentation.
- This year at least one session is reserved for highlighting contributions to real-time networks. Authors dealing with networks are strongly encouraged to submit.
- The 9th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing is organized jointly with RTNS.
- The proceedings will be published by the ACM in the International Conference Proceedings Series and indexed by the ACM digital library.
Submission deadline: July 24, 2015 (no extensions)
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2015
Instructions to authors
Papers are limited to 10 two-column pages in a font no smaller than 9-points.
The corresponding templates are here:
Authors submitting a paper to RTNS 2015 confirm that neither the paper, nor a version of it, is under submission elsewhere nor will be submitted elsewhere before notification by RTNS 2015, and that if the paper is accepted, at least one author will register by the special registration deadline, and present the paper at the conference.
The link to the Easychair submission page is here
Keynote Talk
Network-on-Chip Platforms for Real-Time Mixed-Criticality Application (download here)
Leandro Soares Indrusiak(Department of Computer Science,
University of York)
Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a widely used on-chip interconnect architecture for large multi and many-core processors. NoCs provide packet-switching infrastructure for multiple types of system-wide communications, such as message passing between tasks running on different cores, data transfers between external memories and local scratchpads, or paging and coherency mechanisms for multi-level caches. In all cases, the performance of the NoC affects system timeliness and thus must be taken into account when analysing application-level real-time guarantees. This is specially true when application tasks and communication packets of different levels of criticality share the NoC infrastructure. This talk will introduce and motivate a communication-centric design approach to multi and manycore systems, followed by the basics of Networks-on-Chip architectures, with special emphasis to the use of priority-preemptive virtual channels. Then, it will review the state-of-the-art in schedulability analysis for those NoC architectures, enabling safe upper bounds to end-to-end latency (tasks and packet flows) in single and mixed-criticality applications. Finally, it gives an insight on how schedulability analysis can be used as a fitness function in the design space exploration of NoC-based embedded systems, aiming to meet performance guarantees and optimise energy dissipation.
Leandro Soares Indrusiak graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, Brazil) and obtained a MSc in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Brazil) in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He held a tenured assistant professorship at the Informatics department of the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) from 1998 to 2000. From 2001 to 2008 he worked as a researcher at the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (Germany) where he did his PhD and then lead a research group on System-on-Chip design. His binational doctoral degree was jointly awarded by UFRGS and TU Darmstadt in 2003. Since 2008, he is a permanent faculty member of University of York's Computer Science department (Lecturer 2008, Senior Lecturer 2013), and a member of the Real-Time Systems (RTS) research group. His current research interests include on-chip multiprocessor systems, distributed embedded systems, mapping and scheduling of applications over multiprocessor and distributed platforms, adaptive and reconfigurable computing, having published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in the main international conferences and journals covering those topics. He currently supervises five PhD students and four post-doc research assistants. He is the principal investigator and technical leader of the EU-funded DreamCloud project (Dynamic Resource Allocation in Embedded and High-Performance Computing), and a co-investigator in the EPSRC-funded MCC project (Mixed Criticality Embedded Systems on Many-Core Platforms). He also coordinates two MSc programmes, serves as the department's Internationalisation Advisor, is a member of the EPSRC College, and a senior member of the IEEE.
All participants must be registered. Please register in
advance. See the link at the end of the
Registration at Early Registration rates will be possible until 8th October 2015.
AT LEAST ONE AUTHOR (student or full rate) PER FULL PAPER has to be registered before
8th October 2015.
rate) has to be registered before 8th October 2015.
Registration fees to the main conference
Early | Late | |
Full Rate | 280€ | 460€ |
Student | 140€ | 260€ |
The registration fees includes for all packages:
- Lunches and Breaks from 4-6th November 2015
- Social event and banquet
- Entry to all conference sessions including junior workshop
- Proceedings
- Conference bag, containing the official conference material.
In all packages, travel costs are not included and are the responsibility of each conference participant.
Extra tickets for the social event and dinner can be purchased till 8th October, for 80 €.
All cancellations must be notified in writing (by mail or e-mail) to the Registration Management rtns-2015@univ-lille1.fr according to the following conditions and reimbursement (will be processed AFTER the Congress): Up to 8th October 2015, a 10% cancellation fee will be withheld for administrative fee; After 8th October 2015, no refund.
The online registration is available here.
Important dates
Submission deadline: | 24th July 2015 |
Notification to authors: | 1st September 2015 |
Camera ready paper due: | 1st October 2015 |
Early registration: | 8th October 2015 |
Conference: | 4-6th November 2015 |
The submission site will close to new submissions at 23:59:59 GMT -12 on 24
July 2015.; Authors, however, will have a two day grace period to modify
their previously submitted papers. The submission site will
close for all modifications at 23:59:59 GMT -12 on 26 July 2015.
further updates to papers are possible after this date.
Conference Committees
General chair- Julien Forget (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
Program chairs
- Liliana Cucu-Grosjean (INRIA, Paris-Rocquencourt, FRANCE)
- Nathan Fisher (Wayne State University, USA)
Local organization committee
- Giuseppe Lipari (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
- Clément Ballabriga (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
- Antoine Bertout (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
- Houssam ZAHAF (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
- Khalil HAMZAOUI (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
- Christine YVOZ (Université de Lille, FRANCE)
Program committee
- Masud Ahmed (The Mathworks, Inc., USA)
- Sebastian Altmeyer (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Jim Anderson (University of North Carolina, USA)
- Sanjoy Baruah (University of North Carolina, USA)
- Marko Bertogna (Univerity of Modena, Italy)
- Enrico Bini (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
- Björn Brandenburg (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany)
- Florian Brandner (ENSTA ParisTech, France)
- Hugues Cassé (Université de Toulouse, France)
- Robert I. Davis (University of York, UK)
- Jean-Dominique Decotignie (Swiss Center for Microtechnology, Switzerland)
- Sebastien Faucou (Université de Nantes, France)
- Laurent George (Université Paris-Est, France)
- Joel Goossens (Univeriste Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Emmanuel Grolleau (LIAS, ISAE-ENSMA, France)
- Damien Hardy (IRISA, France)
- Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik (LAAS-CNRS, France)
- Jerome Hugues (ISAE, France)
- Mathieu Jan (CEA LIST, France)
- Benjamin Lesage (University of York, UK)
- Cong Liu (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
- Dorin Maxim (CISTER/ISEP/INESC-TEC, Portugal)
- Adriana Gogonel (INRIA, France)
- Pascale Minet (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
- Nicolas Navet (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Vincent Nelis (CISTER/ISEP/INESC-TEC, Portugal)
- Dumitru Potop Butucaru (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
- Isabelle Puaut (University of Rennes / IRISA, France)
- Pascal Richard (LISI/ENSMA - Poitiers University, France)
- Christine Rochange (IRIT - Université de Toulouse, France)
- Luca Santinelli (ONERA, France)
- Jean-Luc Scharbarg (Université de Toulouse - IRIT - INP/ENSEEIHT, France)
- Ye-Qiong Song (LORIA - University of Lorraine, France)
- Yves Sorel (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
Steering committee
- Sanjoy Baruah (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
- Robert I. Davis (University of York, UK)
- Sébastien Faucou (Université de Nantes, France)
- Laurent George (Université Paris Est Creteil, France)
- Joël Goossens (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium)
- Isabelle Puaut (IRISA, Université Rennes I, France)
- Pascal Richard (LIAS, Université de Poitiers, France)
- Jean-Luc Scharbarg (Université de Toulouse, France)
Local information
The Conference Guide is available here.
For any information, you can send an e-mail to the local organization committee.
Venue and useful informations
The meeting will take place at Polytech, Université de Lille on 4-6th November 2015.
Wi-Fi network with access control on site. Credentials will be available at the conference.
Lunches and coffee breaks will be served on site. They are included in the registration fees.
Polytech Lille,
Avenue Paul Langevin,
59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Click here for the map
Check-in / Registration and opening session: Polytech Lille, Hall
Conference: Polytech Lille, Amphi Appert
How to reach the location of the conference
Travel details : You may arrive at the conference place:
- by train: there are two train stations: Lille Flandres and Lille Europe. Both stations are connected to the subway. Lille is reachable by train from Paris (CDG airport or Gare du Nord) in 1 hour, from London in 90 minutes, and from Brussels in 30 minutes.
- by plane: there is a shuttle from the airport to Lille Flandres train station. Duration: 20 minutes.
- by subway: the conference venue is 15 minutes from the train station by subway.
Lille Renaissance
RTNS'2015 will take place during the Lille Renaissance cultural season. Based on previous editions of this festival (which occurs every 3 years), members of the committee can assure paticipants that it will be a very (very) exciting time to come to Lille. Consider staying for the week-end !
Additional information can be found in this document.
Reeflex University Residence Hall
Web site: http://reeflex.univ-lille.fr/home/Researcher/Rates-and-Reservations
Distance: 5 minutes walk from conference site.
Wifi access: eduspot
To benefit from the "partner" rate (detailed on the rates page above):
- Send an email to reeflex@univ-lille.fr
- Mention RTNS'2015 in the email subject.
- Put rtns-2015@univ-lille1.fr as Cc.
- Attach a scan of your identification papers
Tulip Inn
Web site: http://www.tulipinnlillegrandstade.com/en
Distance: 5 minutes walk from conference site.
Special rate (65€/night, breakfast excluded).
To benefit from the partner rate, send an email to info@tulipinnlillegrandstade.com
and mention Polytech Conference in your mail subject, or call
Visit http://en.lilletourism.com
Past Issues
RTNS 2014: Versailles (France), PC chairs: Joel Goossens (ULB, Brussels, Belgium) and Claire Maiza (INP/Verimag, Grenoble, France)
RTNS 2013: Sophia Antipolis (France), PC chairs: Robert I. Davis (University of York, UK) and Emmanuel Grolleau (LIAS, Poitiers, France)
RTNS 2012: Pont à Mousson (France), PC chairs: Christine Rochange (University of Toulouse/IRIT, France) and Jim Andersson (University of North Carolina, USA)
RTNS 2011: Nantes (France), PC chairs: Alan Burns (University of York, UK) and Laurent George (Inria/AOSTE - UPEC/LISSI, France)
RTNS 2010: Toulouse (France), PC chairs: Sanjoy Baruah (University of North Carolina, USA) and Yves Sorel (Inria, Rocquencourt, France)
RTNS 2009: Paris (France), PC chairs: Maryline Chetto (IRCCyN, Nantes, France) and Mikael Sjödin (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
RTNS 2008: Rennes (France), PC chairs: Pascale Minet (Inria-Rocquencourt/Hipercom, France) and Giorgio Buttazzo (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy)
RTNS 2007: Nancy (France), PC chair: Isabelle Puaut (University of Rennes/IRISA, France)
RTNS 2006: Poitiers (France), PC chair: Guy Juanole(LAAS, Toulouse, France) and Pascal Richard (LISI, Poitiers, France)
RTS 2005: Paris (France), PC chair: Nicolas Navet (LORIA, Nancy, France)
RTS 2004 : Paris (France),PC chair : Joël Goossens (University of Bruxelles, Belgium)
RTS 2001: Paris (France), PC chair: Zoubir Mammeri (IRIT, UPS Toulouse, France)
RTS 2000: Paris (France), Francis Cottet (LISI, ENSMA, Poitiers)
RTS03, RTS02, RTS, RTS99, RTS98, RTS97, RTS96, RTS95, RTS94, RTS93: no official website
This site is protected by french and international copyright
laws. All rights are reserved, including downloadable
documents and the iconographic and photographic
The reproduction of the texts of this site on
a paper support is authorized under respect for the
following two conditions:
- free access of the broadcasting,
- respect for the integrity of the reproduced documents (no modification)
Université de Lille 1
Cité Scientifique,
59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Contact: Clement.Ballabriga@linospamfl.fr (please remove nospam from the address)
Photos © OTCL (Laurent Ghesquière et Maxime Dufour photographies), et M.A.I.A.D Roubaix (Alain Leprince)